Rangsangan Titik Akupunktur Nomer 16 Meningkatkan Kadar Hormon Testosteron Mencit Jantan Usia Sembilan Bulan
akupunktur, hormon testosteron, mencit tuaAbstract
Penurunan kadar testosteron pada laki-laki mulai usia pertengahan antara 45-59 tahun dan menyebabkan terjadinya ganguan seperti menurunnya kekuatan otot, meningkatnya lemak visceral, gangguan fungsi seksual seperti libido menurun dan/atau disfungsi ereksi. Akupunktur dengan konsep pengobatan hantaran rangsang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan fungsi seksual laki-laki. Pada penelitian ini diteliti pengaruh perangsangan pada titik akupunktur no.16 dan 49 terhadap kadar hormon testosteron pada mencit (Mus musculus) yang telah mengalami proses penuaan.  Sebanyak 28 ekor mencit jantan usia 9 bulan dijadikan binatang coba. Binatang coba dibagi menjadi empat kelompok eksperimen secara random. Kelompok 1 diberikan rangsangan pada titik akupunktur no.16, kelompok 2 diberikan rangsangan pada titik akupunktur no.49 dan kelompok 3 diberi rangsangan pada titik akupunktur no.16 dan 49, dan kelompok 4 sebagai kontrol. Perlakuan diberikan selama 10 menit, diulang sebanyak tiga kali per minggu, dan diberikan selama empat minggu. Kadar hormon testosteron diukur dari sampel darah mencit setelah perlakuan selesai. Perbedaan rerata kadar hormon testosterone antar kelompok eksperimen diuji dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan Man-Whitney pada tingkat kemaknaan a=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rerata (±sd) kadar hormon testosteron pada kelompok 1, 2, 3, dan 4 adalah 815,0 (±568,8) ng/dl,  229,5 (±337,4) ng/dl, 538,2 (±715,0) ng/dl, dan 50,8 (±32,2) ng/dl secara berurutan. Analisis Mann-Whitney menunjukan bahwa kadar testosteron kelompok eksperimen 1 berbeda dengan kelompok lain dan control (P<0,05). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian rangsangan pada titik akupunktur no.16 meningkatkan kadar hormon testosteron mencit secara signifikan.
Kata Kunci: akupunktur, hormon testosteron, mencit tua.
[Stimulation on Acupuncture Point Number 16 Increases Testosterone Hormone Level in
Nine-Month-old Male Mice].
Decreasing level of testosterone in man starts at the age between 45-59 years which causes disorders such as decreased muscle strength, increased visceral fat, sexual dysfunction such as decreased libido and / or erectile dysfunction. Acupuncture with excitatory conduction treatment concept can be used to enhance male sexual function. In this study we examined the effect of stimulation of acupuncture points no.16 and 49 on testosterone levels in mice (Mus musculus) who are aging. A total of 28 male mice aged 9 months were used as experimental animals. The experiment animals were divided into four groups randomly. Group 1 was given stimulation of acupuncture pointno.16, group 2 was given stimulation of acupuncture point 49 and group 3 was given stimulation of acupuncture points no.16 and 49, and group 4 as the control group. Treatment was given for 10 minutes, repeated three times per week, for four weeks. Testosterone levels were measured from blood samples of mice after treatment was completed. The mean differences of testosterone levels between experimental groups were tested by Kruskal-Wallis and Man-Whitney at significance level a =0.05. The results showed the mean (± sd) of testosterone levels in group 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 815.0 (±568.8) ng / dl, 229.5 (±337.4) ng / dl, 538, 2 (±715.0) ng / dl, and 50.8 (± 32.2) ng / dl, respectively. Mann-Whitney analysis showed that testosterone level of group 1 was different from those of the other groups and the control (P<0.05). It is concluded that stimulation of acupuncture pointno.16 increases testosterone levels in mice significantly.
Keywords: acupuncture, testosterone hormone, aging mice.
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