Pusat Pembinaan dan Rehabilitasi Sosial Khusus Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum di Denpasar

  • Etika Cahya Wulan Program Studi Arsitektur, Universitas Warmadewa
  • Anak Agung Gede Raka Gunawarman Program Studi Arsitektur, Universitas Warmadewa
  • I Wayan Runa Program Studi Arsitektur, Universitas Warmadewa
Kata Kunci: Fostering, Social Rehabilitation, Children in Conflict with the Law, Psychology, Healing Environment


During the pandemic, especially in 2020-2021, cases of child complaints continue to increase, especially in the field of Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH), both those who act as perpetrators, victims and witnesses. In Bali, this case is quite high, reaching 746 cases throughout 2017-2020 with the highest cases of child theft perpetrators and the highest cases of sexual abuse victims.  For this reason, facilities are needed as a forum for fostering children who are involved in legal cases as well as to accommodate counseling, socialization and treatment activities for healing psychological wounds for children due to a long legal process so that ABH can gain trust and are ready to return to carrying out their normal social functions. in society. The method used is descriptive research which aims to obtain factual and accurate data, This study aims to design the ABH Special Social Development and Rehabilitation Center with the application of the Privavy In Healing Environment concept which is located on the outskirts of Denpasar city with a rural and natural feel away from urban density by prioritizing privacy as well as aspects of the natural, sensory and psychological approach of ABH. The results of the application of this concept are in the form of social coaching and rehabilitation center facilities that are connected to the natural surroundings, where this is in accordance with the condition of ABH which requires interaction with nature to reduce stress levels, improve cognitive function. and creativity.


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