About the Journal
Undagi is a scientific communication media for researchers in the field of architecture and also plays a role as a media to publicize the results of the research results of lecturers and researchers in the field of architecture. This journal was originally named UNDAGI and began publishing in the printed version of 2013 with the ISSN number 2338-0454. In 2017, this journal was published online and the print number ISSN online was 2581-2211 and the name of the journal was changed to Undagi: Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa. Undagi: Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa, received the manuscript with a focus on research results and literature reviews in the field of architecture with the scope of the study, namely: (1) Architectural Conservation: building conservation and cultural landscape; (2) Anthropology Architecture: vernacular architecture, dwelling architecture, traditional architecture; (3) Building Science: tectonic in traditional architecture and the system of a building; (4) Urban Planning: space and place in architecture. Manuscripts received are in accordance with the focus and scope of the Undagi Journal. The author must register to be able to enter the manuscript into the undagi journal. Authors must enter the manuscript in accordance with the undagi journal template format provided. The first assessment is carried out by the section editor, namely conformity with focus and scope, template format and turnitin results. The editor has the right to refuse if the manuscript does not meet the criteria of the initial assessment or repair before uploading it again. The next step is the text will be reviewed by reviewers using the Review Guidelines. The reviewer has the right to refuse, accept with minor or major repairs. The review phase is done the fastest for three months. This journal is indexed google scholar and uses the application of Mendeley in the citation.