Integration of Rice, Ducks and Azolla on Growth and Yield of Rice Plants (Oryza Sativa L)


  • M Azizi universitas islam kebangsaan indonesia
  • Suri Raihan Safriani Ilmu Pertanian,Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia, Aceh Indonesia



The application of integrated agricultural technology of duck and azolla rice can increase nutrients for plants from duck manure, loosen the soil, minimize weeding, and reduce farmers' production costs. Azolla protein content is about 23 to 30% and has a low lignin content so it is easily digested by livestock. This study aims to examine the effect of the number of ducks and azolla on the growth and yield of rice plants. The research will be conducted in Paloh Village, Samalanga District, Bireuen Regency from July to October 2024. This study used a factorial pattern Randomized Group Design (RGD) consisting of two factors. The first factor is the dose of azolla (A0: control, A1: 2 t ha-1, A2: 4 t ha-1), the second factor is the number of ducks per hectare (I0: control, I1: 800 heads ha-1, I2: 1200 heads ha-1, I3: 1600 heads ha-1). The observed variables were plant height, number of tillers, potential yield ha-1 and rice yield. The results showed that azolla treatment on rice plants had a very significant effect on plant height at 45 days after transplanting, yield potential and rice yield but no significant effect on plant height at 30 and 45 days after transplanting, number of tillers at 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting. The treatment of ducks in rice plants had a very significant effect on plant height at 45 days after transplanting, number of tillers at 45 days after transplanting and yield potential, significantly affected plant height at 60 days after transplanting and rice yield but had no significant effect on plant height at 30 days after transplanting, number of tillers at 30 and 60 days after transplanting. The best results were found at 4 tons of azolla ha-1 and 1600 heads ha-1.


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