PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa <p style="text-align: justify;">PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa (P-ISSN: 2303-2693) is civil engineering journal of engineering faculty, Warmadewa University which is published twice a year in June and December. The purpose of this journal is as sharing center of research, scientific communication and information that related to civil engineering. PADURAKSA is a structure column that has head, body and foot section which is exist in the corner of traditional house wall (penyengker), each penyengker in the house yard consist of 4 paduraksa. Based on philosophies, paduraksa has each name in each corner of the location such as sari raksa (located in northeast), aji raksa (located in southeast), rudra raksa (located in southwest), and kala raksa (located in southwest).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p><ul><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li><li></li></ul> (Putu Aryastana, Ph.D) (Putu Aryastana, Ph.D.) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:43:06 +0700 OJS 60 Evaluasi umur sisa perkerasan kaku pada ruas jalan tol Solo-Ngawi <p style="margin-top: 6.0pt; text-align: justify;">Roads are the main infrastructure that aims to accelerate the growth of a region which results in the opening of social, economic, and cultural relations between regions. A good and stable road will affect the smooth flow of traffic. One of the toll roads that is indicated to have decreased pavement function due to various factors affecting damage is the Solo-Ngawi toll road. The evaluation of the remaining life of rigid pavement on the Solo-Ngawi toll road section aims to determine how much the remaining life value of rigid pavement on the toll road section and is used as a reference in determining the maintenance method. This research uses quantitative methods based on secondary data with reference analysis based on American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 1993. It can be known based on the results of the evaluation analysis based on the 1993 AASHTO book, the CESAL value of the plan from the results of the analysis obtained a value of 22,913,047 ESAL, while for the Actual CESAL Based on each column, a value of 8,239,688 ESAL was obtained for the Solo-Ngawi direction and 4,270,023 ESAL for the Ngawi-Solo direction. From the two results above, it is stated that the remaining age for each route was obtained 64.04% for the Solo-Ngawi Direction and 81.37% for the Ngawi-Solo Direction. The benefits of this research can be known related to how old the remaining pavement of the Solo-Ngawi Toll Road section is so that it is expected to contribute as a reference for toll road managers to increase the road service period even more for vehicle users who choose the Solo-Ngawi toll road.</p> Mohammad Faizal Kelan Pambudi, Sri Sunarjono, Senja Rum Harnaeni Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 21:49:32 +0700 Durabilitas beton yang mengandung agregat ringan buatan berbahan dasar abu terbang (fly ash) <p>The low fly ash consumption in Indonesia needs to be tackled in order to avoid the pilling of this material. Employing this material as a raw material to produce lightweight aggregate becomes an alternative solution to increase the fly ash consumption, as the aggregate has high portion in the concrete mixture. However, as lightweight aggregate has high porosity, its durability especially in term of water uptake in aggressive environment need to be investigated. Thus, this research aims to observe the durability of concrete containing fly ash-based lightweight aggregate (FA LWA) in salt environment. The Salt environment was mimicked with Sodium chloride and sodium sulfate solution. The FA and EC LWA were used as coarse aggregate replacement with replacement rate 50 and 100% by volume. The physical, mechanical and durability properties of concrete were assessed by conducting the bulk density, compressive strength test and capillary water absorption rate in salt environment. The result shows that the bulk density is inversely proportional to the percentage of LWA content used. In addition, from the concrete capillary water absorption test showed that concrete containing FA LWA obtained a higher absorption value than control concrete. Based on the results of the capillary absorption test using different solutions, it showed that FA LWA concrete was more resistant in an alkaline environment or containing salt solution (NaCl). The results of this study contribute to a new breakthrough that fly ash consumption can be improved by transforming fly ash into artificial lightweight aggregate that has high resistance in marine environment.</p> Ditya Hafiz Rosyidi, Mohammad Sulton, Puput Risdanareni Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 21:58:54 +0700 Pengaruh penambahan limbah cangkang kelapa sawit terhadap nilai kuat tekan beton <p>Ketapang regency is one of the oil palm producing districts in West Kalimantan. The area of oil palm plantations is 650,110 Ha with 2,509,110 tons of oil palm plantations produced in 2022. Under these conditions, will produce quite large amounts of palm oil shell waste. This waste can be used as a mixture of materials for making concrete. Waste utilization is one solution that can be done to maintain existing natural resources. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of adding variations in palm oil shell waste of 5%, 10%, and 15% on the compressive strength of concrete. This research is experimental research in the structure and materials laboratory, Departement of Civil Engineering, Ketapang State Polytechnic. The research was carried out from 12 August 2023 to 17 September 2023. The average value of concrete compressive strength at 28 days for normal concrete and the 5% palm oil shell variation is included in the standard K-200 concrete quality value, but there is a decrease in the 10% and 15% palm oil shell variations.&nbsp; This result is supported by the SPSS test results of two mean tests between 0% and 5% which are the same, there is no difference, but for other variations it is different. The greater the use of palm oil shells in the concrete mixture will reduce the compressive strength value of the concrete. Variation of palm shell mixture that produces the maximum compressive strength of concrete at a variation of 5% with an average value of 221.01 kg/cm<sup>2</sup>.</p> Randi Bastika, Yoseph Yustinus, Nur Aida Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 22:12:48 +0700 Evaluasi rel dan bantalan berdasarkan beban angkut lintas dan kinerja operasi kereta api (studi kasus: jalan rel Tanjung Karang-Rejosari) <p>In the railway sector, its development has received quite important attention from the government, especially with the establishment of railways as a national strategic plan. The railway network on the island of Sumatra stretches for 1,544 km, including those operating in Lampung Province which is overseen by Regional Division IV Tanjung Karang. Rail transportation in Lampung province is overseen by Regional Division IV Tanjung Karang. In 2022, train services at Tanjung Karang Station recorded services to 556,219 passengers, this data increased by 150.461% from the previous year. This research is important in order to understand how different cross loads affect the condition of rails and sleepers, train operators can plan more effective maintenance, identify vulnerable points, and reduce the risk of operational disruption. This research aims to determine the amount of cross haul loads annually and what is the condition of the ability of rail services and sleepers to accept the traffic loads on them and the impact on operational performance, especially on the realization of train trip scheduling. This research uses a descriptive quantitative method, namely evaluating the condition of the railroad based on secondary data obtained from related agencies. The results of this research show that the Tanjung Karang-Rejosari railroad is categorized as class I railroad, the condition of the installed rails is not in accordance with standards because the basic stress of the rail exceeds the basic stress permitted, so it is necessary to upgrade the rail from R.54 to R.60, to the current condition of the installed bearings is good to serve the annual traffic loads that occur. The operational realization of train travel schedules for both arrival and departure times has been well programmed based on the maximum planned delay time limit. In general, train delays in Regional Division IV Tanjung Karang generally originate from the infrastructure aspect with the percentage of causes of delays being 81.49%. This value illustrates that aspects of railroad infrastructure or structure are the biggest contributor to train delays.</p> Andry Yuliyanto, Galih Rio Prayogi, Michael, Frans Dermanto Hutabarat, Muhammad Abi Berkah Nadi Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 22:32:48 +0700 Studi kelayakan pembangunan guest house (studi kasus: Guest House A) <p>The economic growth in the City of Madiun, which is showing good development, has led to an increase in Guest House entrepreneurs. One of these is the construction of Guest House A. This construction project can create opportunities for local workforce absorption and help boost the economy. This project needs to be reviewed to ensure that it is feasible, profitable, and sustainable in the long term, thus assisting investors in risk management and making informed decisions in running their business. To determine if the investment is considered feasible, an economic feasibility study needs to be conducted, considering several indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PBP). The first step is to conduct a literature study, then directly contact the parties involved in the construction to obtain accurate data, categorize revenue and costs, and observe the prevailing bank interest rates, followed by analysis using the established indicators. The calculations yielded an NPV of 1,053,103,006.39, an IRR of 12.88%, a BCR of 1.16, and a PBP of 10.93 years. The analysis results showed that the NPV is greater than zero, the IRR is higher than the MARR, and the BCR is greater than one, concluding that the investment can proceed. This study allows civil engineers to plan projects more thoroughly, considering financial aspects, market needs, and risks, thereby assisting in designing more realistic projects. Optimization of design and materials that consider cost and benefits can help in selecting effective solutions in terms of cost and sustainability.</p> Lyya Supriono, F. X Kristianta Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 22:22:02 +0700 Analisis karakteristik dan tingkat kekumuhan pada kawasan permukiman di Desa Pengambengan, Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali <p>Rapid population growth leads to the expansion of residential areas, increasing the demand for land. Unpreparedness in anticipating the speed and dynamics of urban growth can result in the emergence of slum settlements. This study focuses on the settlements in Pengambengan Village, Jembrana Regency, Bali, which are predominantly inhabited by fishermen and are considered to be slums. If the growth of these slum settlements is not controlled, the environmental quality will continue to decline as these settlements expand. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the characteristics of these settlements.&nbsp; To understand the characteristics of these slum settlements, it is crucial to examine their features. Through this research, an analysis will be conducted to determine the characteristics of the slum settlement in Pengambengan. This study employed a mixed-method approach, combining data collection through observation and interviews, as well as data collection from various sources to complement existing survey results. The collected data was then analyzed and assessed based on the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14/PRT/M/2018. The results of the analysis, which align with the 7 slum conditions including building structures, roads, water supply, drainage system, wastewater management, waste management, and fire protection, yielded a total score of 18. This indicates that the residential in Pengambengan is at a mild level of slum conditions. Despite being relatively low in slum severity, two important aspects should be noted-the provision of qualified drinking water and awareness of fire hazards, as these could have severe consequences for the residents of Pengambengan.</p> Ni Luh Jaya Anggreni, I Gusti Ngurah Putu Dharmayasa Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 22:47:07 +0700 Evaluasi kondisi struktur beton bertulang dengan menggunakan half cell potential test pada bangunan kantor di pinggir Pantai Ancol <p>Measurement of half cell potential is commonly used for the assessment of the resistance of reinforced concrete where corrosion of the reinforcement is predicted. The standards used in the test are ASTM C876-91: Standard Test method for half-Cell Potential of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete and ACI 222R-01: Protection of Metal in Concrete Against Corrosion. Furthermore, the carbonation of the reinforcement in the concrete which is caused by a chemical reaction between calcium in the concrete and sulfate salts from the outside make the concrete mass is pushed and broken. The results of testing the reinforced concrete structures of office buildings on the Ancol waterfront, some of the carbonation that occurs has exceeded the concrete cover. The results of the Half Cell Potential test 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, and 10 show that the corrosion rate of the reinforcement in the concrete is &lt;10% with type 3, namely "humid, chloride free concrete", where the concrete is moist and not contaminated chloride, which means that the corrosion rate of steel reinforcement in concrete is quite low. The results of the Half Cell Potential 3, 4, 5, and 7 tests show that the corrosion rate of the reinforcement is between 10% - 90% with type 4, namely "humid, carbonated concrete", where the concrete is moist and carbonated but the corrosion rate is not too high.</p> Zel Citra, Yosie Malinda, Paksi Dwiyanto Wibowo, Suci Putri Elza, Risma Apdeni Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 21:27:08 +0700 Studi modeling dan mapping inundasi tsunami menggunakan software Delft3D studi kasus Pantai Labuan Jukung Lampung <p>To begin with, one of the valuable beaches at Pesisir Tengah Krui District is Labuhan Jukung Beach that directly encounters the Indian Ocean and is crossed by tectonic plates. The current position could consequence a tsunami disaster and cause loss and damage to the area at any time soon. In addition, no hazard map released by the National Center for Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation in the study location is one of the shortcomings of tsunami-prone areas in the West Coast tourist area. Tsunami wave propagation model establishment is a monumentally vital step in tsunami mitigation to pinpoint areas which are vulnerable to tsunami disasters and maximize the damage control. One way or another is by utilizing Delft3D 4.04.01 software according to wave propagation simulation scenario analysis. The input for modeling adopts historical tsunami height data which has similar characteristics to the case study location points, simultaneously 3.6 meter, 8 meter and 15 meter. The outcome wave height of 3.6 meter takes within 36 minutes to reach the coast and it does not cause inundation, meanwhile the outcome of waves height of 8 meter and 15 meter are accomplishing a tsunami inundation on land which takes 33 - 35 minutes to approach the coast. The data used in these scenarios demands the model accuracy requirements of modeling validation by inspecting the wavelengths formed in shallow water. Based on all of these scenario modeling results, the maximum propagation scenario for an 8 meter wave height on land is 330 meter, on the other hand for a 15 meter wave height is 450 meter from the coastline.</p> M. Gilang Indra Mardika, Mashuri, Dandi Rahman Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Model prediksi perkembangan kawasan wisata Bali utara ditinjau dari variabel tata guna lahan dan infrastruktur <p>Bali is one of the provinces included in the 50 National Tourism Destinations (NTD) which has been developed into 5 Regional Tourism Destinations (RTD) which are supported by Regional Tourism Strategic Areas (RTSA) with a tourism theme. This research aims to examine tourism development by considering the influence of tourism components which are reflected in land use variables and transportation infrastructure components, using the North Bali RTD supported by RTSA Lovina and RTSA Air Sanih as the research location. This research makes a positive contribution to regional economic growth and community welfare and the research output is expected to provide input and information for the region in its efforts to increase the development of tourist areas in North Bali. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 100 tourists, using the PLS-SEM analysis method. The research results show that tourism development in North Bali can be predicted significantly through land use and transportation infrastructure variables with a contribution of 63.4%, where the transportation infrastructure variable has a more significant influence, namely 65.7%, than the land use variance of 19%. Meanwhile, land use contributes 70.4% to transportation infrastructure.</p> Dewa Ayu Nyoman Sriastuti, Putu Alit Suthanaya, Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, Anak Agung Gede Yana Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:04:02 +0700 Analisis kinerja simpang empat Jl. Andi Tonro – Jl. Pacalaya – Jl. Abdul Rasyid Dg. Lurang <p>In Gowa Regency, near the border of Makassar City, there is an intersection of Jl. Andi Tonro - Jl. Pacalaya - Jl. Abdul Rasyid Dg. Lurang. The major road, Jl. Andi Tonro, is a 2/1 road, channeling traffic from Maros district towards Makassar. The minor roads, Jl. Pacalaya and Jl. Abdul Rasyid Dg. Lurang, only 4.5m wide, road type 2/2 TT respectively. The light-controlled, unsignalized intersection is heavily traveled by motorcycles Motorcyclists from the minor roads often scramble for road space on the major roads, creating extra conflicts at the intersection. The proportion of motorcycles to the total traffic flow of the entire intersection is 0.815. This study aims to determine the degree of saturation value that describes the performance of the studied intersection. The analysis of peak intersection traffic flow, intersection capacity, and degree of saturation values refers to the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines. Even though it is on the border of the city, the traffic behavior through this intersection still shows the characteristics of urban traffic, namely weekly periodic repetitive traffic flow patterns. Therefore, traffic surveys were conducted on Monday, Wednesday representing the normal weekday population: Monday through Thursday and the Saturday survey represents weekend days. Traffic flows entering the intersection site from the three arms were videoed with cameras. Each arm was captured with one camera. Traffic data from each arm per direction of movement per vehicle type was enumerated from the video recordings. The results of data processing were analyzed and obtained the afternoon peak traffic flow represented by weekday traffic. Degree of saturation (Dj) = 0.64. Traffic flow is not saturated. Clutter comes from motorcycles that dominate the traffic flow with a proportion of 0.815 and contra flow violations. Actions to reduce chaos, namely adding signs prohibiting contra flow on Andi Tonro Street. Installation of CCTV cameras that highlight on all four arms. Accompanied by the implementation of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement in Gowa Regency so that motorcyclists will be forced to be disciplined.</p> Sufiati Bestari, Meti, Geraldo Fevriano Baso Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:12:24 +0700 Karakteristik beton aspal lapisan pengikat (AC-BC) yang menggunakan bahan pengisi abu terbang batubara <p>Coal consumption continues to increase resulting in waste in the form of rock ash (fly ash) is continuously increasing. Increased waste is a problem especially in polluting the environment. Therefore it is necessary to use coal waste. One way to utilize stone ash waste is to use it as a filler in binder-coated asphalt concrete (AC-BC). This study aims to determine the characteristics of binder-coated asphalt concrete (AC-BC) with varying grades of additivesfly ash tomarshall quotient. Parameters observed consisted of stability, melting (flow), air voids in the mix (VIM), voids filled with bitumen (VFA), voids between aggregates (VMA), andmarshall quotient (MQ). The results of the study can be concluded 1) the results of testing the binder layer concrete asphalt layer (AC-BC) showed that the optimal asphalt content was 5.57% with a stability weight of 1,103.48 kg,flow 3.17 mn, VIM 4.55%, VFA 78.48%, VMA 16.06% and weightmarshall quotient&nbsp; (MQ) 349.08 kg/mm; 2) The test results of the binder-coated asphalt concrete (AC-BC) showed that the optimum mixture was filler contentfly ash 4.19% with a stability weight of 925.65 kg,flow 3.67 mn, VIM 4.07%, VFA 77.23%, VMA 16.46% and weightmarshall quotient (MQ) 253.58 kg/mm.</p> M. Sa'dillah, Galih Damar Pandalu, Natalino Borromeu Martins Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sun, 30 Jun 2024 21:40:14 +0700 Analisis kerapuhan struktur gedung Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Pacitan dengan static adaptive pushover <p>Information from BMKG indicates an increase in earthquake occurences in Pacitan Regency in recent years, a phenomenon that has been noticeable to the local community. Considering that the building of the Pacitan District Agriculture Office has been standing for about five years, a structural performance analysis is needed to ensure the building's strength in resisting earthquake damage. This research aims to investigate the structural response of a building when subjected to structural analysis due to deformation caused by dynamic seismic forces using the Seismostruct software. In this study, an adaptive pushover method was developed, considering the stiffness and modal characteristics of the structure at different levels of inelasticity to update the distribution of lateral loads. This method also considers the location-specific spectrum for load scaling. The results showed that this new approach yielded static analysis results that closely approximated inelastic dynamic analysis and could predict the structural response in detail. The existing building structure will be modeled as a structure, including column and beam frames with material specifications and dead and live loads, based on data obtained following SNI 1726:2012 regulations. The structural behavior analysis will be conducted using the static adaptive pushover method. From this research, the maximum value of the capacity curve for the building under study occurred at a base shear of 2070.595 kN and a displacement of 0.060971 m. The converted spectral displacement was found to be 0.47 m with a slight limit state of 100%, a moderate limit state of 100%, an extensive limit state of 99%, and a complete limit state of 71%.</p> Arum Narwastu, Senot Sangadji, Rida Handiana Devi, Hendramawat Aski Safarizki Copyright (c) 2024 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:22:58 +0700