Eksistensi Peraturan Desa Tentang Sanksi Pencurian (Na’o Norok) dalam Rangka Ketertiban dan Keamanan Masyarakat Desa Koting A Kecamatan Koting Kabupaten Sikka
The purpose of this study was to find out how the existence of village regulations regarding theft sanctions (Na'o Norok) in the context of public order and security in Koting A Village, Koting District, Sikka Regency, and to find out how effective the village regulations regarding the implementation of theft sanctions (Na'o Norok) were in the framework of public order and security in Koting A Village, Koting District, Sikka Regency. The type of research used is field research with a qualitative approach using primary and secondary data sources and then presented in the form of descriptive analysis where data generated from primary and secondary data sources are described and provide an appropriate picture of the reality in the field to then produce conclusions. The results of the study prove that first, the existence of a Village Regulation concerning the implementation of theft sanctions (na'o norok) can be implemented and has a deterrent effect on the social life of the community in this case theft (na'o norok) so that public order and security can be created in terms of ownership of goods. . Second, with the Village Regulation Number 07 of 2018 article 3 paragraph (2), public order and security in terms of the convenience of ownership of goods can be maintained, and social problems are avoided, in this case the case of theft (na'o norok) because people are afraid of customary sanctions imposed.
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