Perbuatan Perawat yang Melakukan Kesalahan dalam Tindakan Medis

  • Nabbilah Amir Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya
  • Dian Purnama Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya
Kata Kunci: Kelalaian Perawat, Perawat, Tindakan Medis


In the hospital, there are Health Workers who assist in the delivery of treatment facilities for patients. Law of Health also explains that there are Health Workers who are all people who are members of the medical community, who are willing to devote themselves specifically to handling health. These people are not only willing to devote themselves but also need to have qualified knowledge and skills. Medical people include doctors, nurses and the other medics. Doctors in doing their work will be assisted by nurses, so nurses must also have experience and authority. The nurse obtains this authority based on the delegation from the doctor. If the nurse does not receive the delegation, it means that the nurse cannot take any action on the patient. In Indonesian sometimes found that the nurses have not received instructions / delegation from doctors, but they have taken medical action, so that these actions sometimes make a problem condition the patient. For this nurse's action it is not justified, so we need a rule to regulate nurse's actions.



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