Penegakan Peraturan Gubernur Bali Nomor 10 Tahun 2021 dalam Tatanan Kehidupan Era Baru
Peraturan Gubernur, Penegakkan, Tatanan Kehidupan Era BaruAbstract
The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many lives and has an impact on all aspects of the state, so the Indonesian Government issued Presidential Decree No. 11 of 2020 concerning Public Health Emergency as a serious warning of health threats. Dishonesty in conveying information about patients suspected of being infected with COVID-19 is categorized as hindering the prevention of outbreaks that can threaten the lives of those around them, including the health workers who handle them. The act of obstructing the handling of the epidemic can be punished. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal regulation of health protocols in the new life order and to discuss sanctions for people who do not heed the governor's regulation no. 10 years 2021 in Bali. This research method uses a normative legal research type with an approach to the concept of legislation and the opinions of legal experts (doctrine). Data collection is done by collecting data and summarizing. The results of this study are that the application of strict sanctions to actions to prevent outbreaks is punishable by law number 4 of 1984 concerning Communicable Disease Outbreaks article 14 paragraphs (1) and (2). The government seeks to protect health workers as the vanguard of handling the threat of COVID-19 in a preventive and repressive manner. For this reason, it is necessary to disclose one's own health information by disclosing his health condition honestly to health workers to get the right treatment.
Pres, Jakarta
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