About the Journal

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: Journal of English Language Literary Studies
: 2 issues per year

: A. A. Istri Manik Warmadewi
: Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Warmadewa 
: Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Warmadewa

Journal of English Language Literary Studies with Print-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx, and Online-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and scientific journal published by Universitas Warmadewa managed by Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Warmadewa in collaboration with Subdirectorate Publication. This journal aims to publish original research articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the fields of Language literary studies that able to create the new global formation of language studies and similar issues. Journal of English Language Literary Studies encompasses, but is not limited to: Morphology, Syntax, Phonology, Semantic, Pragmatic, Language Typology, Discourse Analysis, Translation, Linguistic Ecology, Applied Linguistic, Language Learning, Teaching English Method and open to all methodological approaches and theoretical uses.

Journal of English Language Literary Studies is published twice a year, in January and July. The language used in this journal is English.  All articles have been published online in English since volume 1 number 1, 2025.  Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript follows Journal of English Language Literary Studies, and follows our author guidelines and manuscript template.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)
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