Article Process Charge
Since the beginning, Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha journal platform has provided its authors with the highest possible quality of service while maintaining the highest possible level of transparency. We are all aware that superior quantities of high-quality resources must be present to provide good service.
Adjustments to the administration features of this journal are also necessary due to changes in Indonesia's higher education system's operating procedures. The editorial board decided to strengthen this journal by encouraging positive contributions from all parties to increase its capacity while not ignoring the relevance, core goals, and primary demands of higher education.
To guarantee the long-term viability of Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha, the editorial board has made a significant decision regarding the Article Processing Charge (APC) aspect as of September 1, 2023.
Authors are charged a publication fee of IDR 750,000,- / article. This fee is paid after the article is accepted for publication.