Cooperative Learning Model in English Learning

  • Ida Ayu P. Inten Lestari Master of Linguistics Study Program, Universitas Warmadewa
Keywords: Cooperative learning, learning model, English learning


Cooperative learning is learning carried out in groups, students in one class are made into small groups consisting of 4 to 5 people to understand concepts facilitated by the teacher. Cooperative learning model is a learning model with small groups by paying attention to the diversity of group members as a forum for students to work together and solve a problem through social interaction with their peers, providing opportunities for students to learn something well at the same time and being a resource for another friend. This aim of this study is to find out the benefit and types of cooperative learning model in English learning. The Miles and Huberman theory serves as the foundation for the analytical process, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The benefits of the Cooperative Learning approach namely increase time devoted to tasks, self-esteem becomes higher, improve attendance, acceptance of individual differences becomes greater, intrusive behavior becomes smaller, reduced interpersonal conflict, less apathy, deeper understanding, greater motivation, longer retention, and improve habits of character, sensitivity, and tolerance. The types of cooperative learning model namely Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), Jigsaw (Tim Ahli), NHT (Numbered Heads Together), TGT (Team Game Tournament), and CIRC (Cooperatif Integreated Reading and Composition).


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