Modeling the Way Method in Learning English Vocabulary

  • Ni Putu Meira Purnama Yanti Master of Linguistics Study Program, Universitas Warmadewa
Keywords: Modeling the way method, Learning English, Vocabularies


Modeling the Way method is a learning method that helps students to find answers with their own efforts based on facts / correct data. This study aims to identify the advantages and weaknesses of the modeling the way method. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research. The data obtained in the form of observation and documentation about learning English vocabulary using the Modeling the Way method. The analysis technique uses qualitative data analysis following the concept given by Miles & Huberman. The advantages of Modeling the Way method are educate students to solve social problems on their own, enrich and student knowledge, Educate students in good language and can channel clear and precise thoughts and feelings, willing to accept and respect the opinions of others, and foster children’s creativity. While the weaknesses of Modeling the Way method are problem solving presented by students is not necessarily match the conditions in society, due to limited time, opportunity plays a role reasonable is not fulfilled, and shame and fear lead to irregularities in playing the role, so that the results do not meet expectations.


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