Textual Analysis in TEDxSalem Speech on 'Prioritizing mental health in schools by Hailey Hardcastle'


  • Nadia Fadzila student


This study aims to determine the realization of textual metafunctions

and the types of themes that are dominated in speeches about mental

health on the TEDxSalem YouTube channel entitled 'Why you should

take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools and brought by

Hailey Hardcastle. The method in this research is qualitative with a

content analysis approach. The data was obtained from the speech text

and the data were analyzed using Halliday's Theory by considering the

data analysis steps proposed by Gay et al. From the results of the

analysis, it was found that the realization of the textual metafunction in

Hailey Hardcastle's speech was applied. Found 105 clauses in the

speech. And in those 105 clauses, there are themes and rhymes that

mediate messages to their listeners. So it can be concluded that based on

the textual metafunction perspective, the speaker tries to attract the

listener's attention to focus more on the message of what is being said,

and gives a lot of statements to tell the listener his confession that

mental health should be considered the same as physical health and

preferably starting at an early age.

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