Multimodal Approach for Functional Systemic Linguistic Studies

  • Ni Putu Meira Purnama Yanti


This study aims to introduce and explain multimodal as an approach that should be used in a comprehensive study of functional systemic linguistics. The method used in this study refers to a qualitative descriptive method with a literature study technique, namely exploring various theories related to multimodal and functional systemic linguistics. The information that has been obtained becomes data which is then analyzed and presented descriptively. The results showed that functional systemic linguistics is a study that considers language as a social semiotic system. Language is a variety of signs that can be verbal or nonverbal. The forms of verbal and nonverbal signs with the meanings contained can be understood thoroughly and intact through a multimodal approach; see the meaning or message in the text on the interrelation of words, phrases, sentences, sounds, music, colors, images, gesturals, and existing spatial.

Keywords: functional systemic linguistics, multimodal.

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