• Komang Helianti
Keywords: Forensic Linguistic, Forensic audio. Praat Application, Pitch, Formant


Audio forensics is one of the sciences that juxtaposes between science and scientific methods in the process of sound recording analysis to assist and support the disclosure of a crime required in the trial process. This article is intended to Analyze Voice Resemblance Towards Mobile Phone’s Voice Recorder: An Implementation of The Forensic Method Using Voice Recognition Technique, by using Forensic audio method In Audio forensics: Theory and Analysis, namely Pitch Statistical Analysis, Formant and Bandwidth Statistical Analysis, Graphical Distribution Analysis and Spectogram Analysis. However, in this study, researchers only focus on identifying pitch and formants in the data to be analyzed. The results showed that most of the F1-F4 values of the comparison voices showed higher results than the original voices. However, there are several voices that have F1-F4 results that are close to the original sound, namely PP2 on behalf of Dayu Inten and PP4 on behalf of Chandra


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