The Utilization of Praat Program in Determining the Authenticity of the Voice
Nowadays, the advances of technology have affected all the aspects in human life, especially the existence of smartphone and computer, it is very helpful in the process of communication, education, and even forensic stuff. In this case, Praat program which can change the sound waves that used to be heard only now become visible to the human eye. In addition, the Praat program is equipped with tools to see the tone motion, the magnitude of the pause, the length of speech all of which are needed to determine the inaccuracy of an utterance or the error of the utterance. Therefore, this study is aimed to describe and to find put the utilization of praat in identifying the value of pitch and formant appropriately. This study use direct measurement method uses a laptop equipped with praat software. This method is technically based on Forensic audio method. Furthermore, the data was obtained form the audio-recorded which have derived from one native speaker and ten non-native speakers as comparison sounds. This study took ten words of Indonesian language of the utterance that has been determined by women, the results of the analysis found that in the utterance of Indonesian speakers all words consisting of some vowels and sometimes pause, sometimes there is no pause. Nevertheless, It was also found that there were differences in the presence values of pitch and formant although in the same word, vowel, and even same speakers’ gender.
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