Menyelisik Makna Teks Berita Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan

  • Ni Putu Meira Purnama Yanti Universitas Warmadewa


The rapid development of technology today has an impact on society. One of the impacts is the rise of cases of violence against women. Violence against women is a global public health problem with a pandemic scale and this case starts at an early age. The number of victims could be much higher because fear of stigma can prevent many women from reporting sexual violence. This study discussed the explicit meaning, implicit meaning, and their interrelation in presenting facts in the news text of violence against women. The data sources in this study came from six news texts on violence against women that occurred throughout 2021 in Indonesia. From these data sources, the researcher listened to the information in the news text through reading activities. After that, the researcher recorded several sentences containing acts of violence against women. These sentences then become data which is then analyzed for their explicit and implicit meanings using the semantic theory by Larson (1984). In addition, the relationship between explicit and implicit meanings were analyzed to reveal facts in the cases of violence against women. The results of the research showed that the news text of violence against women contains sentences with various meanings, both explicit and implicit meanings. These two meanings are related to each other and become the basis for revealing various facts or things that actually happened in the case. Facts in terms of the perpetrators, the sequence of events, and the causes of the violence.

Keywords: news text, violence against women, meaning, facts.


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