About the Journal

IJFL (International Journal of Forensic Linguistics) is a peer-reviewed journal that published by Warmadewa Press, started in 2020. This journal published articles and theoretical article on any aspect of legal linguistics or language and the law science. It aims to provide a place for academics and practitioners to publish the origin research articles, review articles, book reviews, and short communication. The scope of this journal is dealing with forensic psychology, forensic analysis of the court and legal system, Analysis of guilty plea and lie detection and Criminal investigation techniques.

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL FORENSIC 2023
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 Managing Director 
: International Journal of Forensic Linguistic
2 issues per year
:  by
: 2723-1542
: 2723-5254
: Susanto
: Frans Asisi Datang
: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Warmadew, Program Studi Magister Linguistik 
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IJFL (International Journal of Forensic Linguistics) is a peer-reviewed journal that published by Warmadewa Press, started in 2020. This journal published articles and theoretical article on any aspect of legal linguistics or language and the law science. It aims to provide a place for academics and practitioners to publish the origin research articles, review articles, book reviews, and short communication. The scope of this journal is dealing with forensic psychology, forensic analysis of the court and legal system, Analysis of guilty plea and lie detection and Criminal investigation techniques.

Language used in this journal is English.

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