authority, spatial planningAbstract
Prior to the 1990s, there was no agency that managed Batur tourism objects and resources. In 2017 a tourism area management body was formed, but at that time its authority was limited to the imposition of levies for tourists visiting the Geopark tourism area. It is not clear which agency has the authority to organize tourism areas, so a problem arises: The agency authorized to organize tourism areas and the factors that affect the arrangement of tourism areas. This research aims as evaluation materials in arrangement the Batur Unesco Global Geopark Tourism Area in Bangli Regency The research method used is empirical legal research. The analysis techniques that will be used are Legal-Content Analysis and Futuristic Analysis. This legal research aims to analyze the problem, namely the agency authorized to organize the Batur UNESCO Global Geopark tourism area in Bangli Regency. The authority of the management body is limited only in collecting fees, whereas for a significant increase, the authority of the agency is not only to collect tourist fees, but also to organize the area to increase its tourist attractiveness. The results of the discussion of the regulation of the authority for structuring tourism areas are the Bali KSDA and the Bangli Regional Government, as well as the not yet implemented regional arrangement based on natural preservation, community empowerment, and environmental economic progress. Meanwhile, the conclusions and suggestions are that the Management Agency has not yet been authorized to organize tourism areas. Factors that influence the structuring of the tourism area are the substance of the Bangli regional regulation, concerning households, local law enforcers, and the legal culture of the local community. Suggestions that the tourism area management body should be changed to Perumda. Law enforcement must have synergy between the Bangli Regional Government and the Bali BKSDA.