Druwe Land Conservation in Strengthening Traditional Villages in Bali

  • I Made Suwitra
Keywords: Druwe Land, Conservation, Traditional


The druwe lands in question are lands controlled by traditional villages and scientific-technically called ulayat lands, customary lands. These lands in the traditional village awig-awig are called druwe desa which consist of laba pura land, field land, market land, setra land, bukit land, AYDS land, PKD land. Most of the druwe land in this village has been converted into full individual land through conversion according to the UUPA. One of the criteria for the existence of a traditional village can be measured by the sustainability of this druwe desa land as one of the village assets, both as material and immaterial assets. The conversion of druwe desa land often causes prolonged conflicts due to late awareness of the importance of preserving village druwe land. The potential of the druwe desa land when explored and adapted to the development of tourism in Bali can be a bonus for the village government and its krama desa (village residents) in achieving prosperity. To achieve this goal requires high awareness and commitment from krama desa, village government (custom and service), local government and government through policies in growing a culture of village manners in order to maintain the realization of the Tri Hitakarana philosophy in traditional villages which is used as an advantage for sustainable investment and as well as in strengthening the existence of traditional villages.


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