Journal History
Architectural Research Journal is published by Universitas Warmadewa in collaboration with Pusat Pengelolaan Jurnal, Universitas Warmadewa and Architectural Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Planning, Universitas Warmadewa. The first issue was published on 2021 (prints and online). Since the first publication, it has changed several times in terms of journal management and policy.
- In 2021, the first issue was published in print form and online.
- In 2021, the journal was registered and indexed on several websites, including Google Scholar and Garuda.
- In 2021, Architectural Research Journal used the DOI prefix
- In 2024, based on the Decree Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Planning Universitas Warmadewa, Number: 30/Uw-Ftp/Pd-02/2024, the Architectural Research Journal editorial and reviewer team have been updated as stated on the web page, and the journal management has changed to Km. Deddy Endra Prasanya as managing director and Putu Siskha Pradnyaningrum as editor in chief.
- In 2024, Start from Volume 4 No 1, 2024, Architectural Research Journal is using new template. reference style change from APA style to IEEE